You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
336 lines
16 KiB
336 lines
16 KiB
8 months ago
import asyncio
import base64
import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame
from playwright.async_api import Playwright, async_playwright, Error
from asgiref.sync import sync_to_async
import time
from django.http import HttpResponseBadRequest, HttpResponse
from django.views import View
from Recipe.models import Dish
class RecipeCrawlerView(View):
def get(self, request):
return HttpResponse("Success!", content_type="text/plain")
# 因應django ORM,以同步函數執行非同步程式
def sync_main():
# 使用sync_to_async包装器調用非同步函數
async def save_to_db(dish_data):
# 将异步ORM操作转换为同步,以适应Django ORM
dish, created = await sync_to_async(Dish.objects.update_or_create)(
action = "added" if created else "updated"
print(f"Dish '{}' was {action}.")
# 將圖片轉為base64
async def fetch_image_as_base64(page, image_url):
print("Fetching image from URL:", image_url)
response = await page.request.get(image_url)
if response.ok:
image_data = await response.body()
image_base64 = base64.b64encode(image_data).decode()
return image_base64
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error fetching image: {e}")
return None
async def run(playwright: Playwright):
browser = await playwright.chromium.launch(headless=False)
context = await browser.new_context()
page = await context.new_page()
await page.goto("")
await page.get_by_role("link", name="ログイン").click()
await page.get_by_role("link", name="メールアドレス でログイン").click()
await page.locator("#secure_account_credential_email").click()
await page.locator("#secure_account_credential_email").fill("")
await page.locator("#secure_account_credential_email").press("Tab")
await page.locator("#secure_account_credential_password").fill("a22897051")
await page.get_by_role("button", name="ログイン").click()
await page.goto("")
max_retries = 3
while True:
# 訂位到所有匹配連結
links = page.locator('a.p-recipe-list-item__title-link')
# 獲取連結數量
link_count = await links.count()
# 點擊每個連結
for i in range(link_count):
retry_count = 0 # 设置重试次数计数器
while retry_count < 3: # 假设最多重试3次
# 使用 nth(i) 定位第 i 個元素,並點擊
await page.locator('a.p-recipe-list-item__title-link').nth(i).click()
# 等待頁面
await page.wait_for_load_state('networkidle')
# await asyncio.sleep(5)
# 輸出名稱
dishname = await page.text_content('.p-recipe-detail__title')
dishname_clean = dishname.strip().replace('\n', '')
# 菜名圖片
image_element = page.locator('.p-recipe-detail__photo-image--pc-only')
# 从元素的 'src' 属性中获取图片的 URL
image_url = await image_element.get_attribute('src')
# 确保获取到的 URL 不为空
if image_url:
# 获取图片的 Base64 编码
Dish_image_base64 = await fetch_image_as_base64(page, image_url)
Dish_image_base64 = None
# print("------按讚數-----")
# 輸出按讚數
Like_count = await page.text_content('.c-button-circle__top-text')
# print(Likes_count)
Likes_count_clean = Like_count.strip().replace('\n', '')
# print("------標籤-----")
# 輸出標籤
tags = await page.locator('.c-button-round-tag__link').all_text_contents()
# for tag in tags:
# print(tag)
tags_clean = [tag.strip() for tag in tags]
# print("------適應症-----")
# 輸出適應症
Indications = await page.locator('.c-recipes-relevant-dietary-concerns__text').all_text_contents()
# for Indication in Indications:
# print(Indication)
Indications_clean = [Indication.strip() for Indication in Indications]
# print("------營養標示-----")
# 輸出營養標示
# 各營養標示分類
Calorie = ''
Salt = ''
Protein = ''
Fat = ''
Carbohydrate = ''
Sugar = ''
Dietary_fiber = ''
Soluble_fiber = ''
Insoluble_fiber = ''
Potassium = ''
Calcium = ''
Magnesium = ''
Phosphorous = ''
Iron = ''
Zinc = ''
Iodine = ''
Cholesterol = ''
Vitamin_B1 = ''
Vitamin_B2 = ''
Vitamin_C = ''
Vitamin_B6 = ''
Vitamin_B12 = ''
Folate = ''
Vitamin_A = ''
Vitamin_D = ''
Vitamin_K = ''
Vitamin_E = ''
Saturated_fatty_acid = ''
Monounsaturated_fatty_acid = ''
Polyunsaturated_fatty_acid = ''
nutritions1 = await page.locator('.c-nutrition-table__cell--1').all_text_contents()
# for nutrition in nutritions1:
# print(nutrition)
# nutritions_clean = [nutrition.strip().replace('\n', '') for nutrition in nutritions]
for nutrition1 in nutritions1:
if 'エネルギー' in nutrition1:
Calorie = nutrition1.split('エネルギー')[1].strip().replace('\n', '')
if '食塩相当量' in nutrition1:
Salt = nutrition1.split('食塩相当量')[1].strip().replace('\n', '')
if 'たんぱく質' in nutrition1:
Protein = nutrition1.split('たんぱく質')[1].strip().replace('\n', '')
if '脂質' in nutrition1:
Fat = nutrition1.split('脂質')[1].strip().replace('\n', '')
if '炭水化物' in nutrition1:
Carbohydrate = nutrition1.split('炭水化物')[1].strip().replace('\n', '')
if '糖質' in nutrition1:
Sugar = nutrition1.split('糖質')[1].strip().replace('\n', '')
if '食物繊維' in nutrition1:
Dietary_fiber = nutrition1.split('食物繊維')[1].strip().replace('\n', '')
if '水溶性食物繊維' in nutrition1:
Soluble_fiber = nutrition1.split('水溶性食物繊維')[1].strip().replace('\n', '')
if '不溶性食物繊維' in nutrition1:
Insoluble_fiber = nutrition1.split('不溶性食物繊維')[1].strip().replace('\n', '')
if 'カリウム' in nutrition1:
Potassium = nutrition1.split('カリウム')[1].strip().replace('\n', '')
nutritions2 = await page.locator('.c-nutrition-table__cell--2').all_text_contents()
for nutrition2 in nutritions2:
if 'カルシウム' in nutrition2:
Calcium = nutrition2.split('カルシウム')[1].strip().replace('\n', '')
if 'マグネシウム' in nutrition2:
Magnesium = nutrition2.split('マグネシウム')[1].strip().replace('\n', '')
if 'リン' in nutrition2:
Phosphorous = nutrition2.split('リン')[1].strip().replace('\n', '')
if '鉄' in nutrition2:
Iron = nutrition2.split('鉄')[1].strip().replace('\n', '')
if '亜鉛' in nutrition2:
Zinc = nutrition2.split('亜鉛')[1].strip().replace('\n', '')
if 'ヨウ素' in nutrition2:
Iodine = nutrition2.split('ヨウ素')[1].strip().replace('\n', '')
if 'コレステロール' in nutrition2:
Cholesterol = nutrition2.split('コレステロール')[1].strip().replace('\n', '')
if 'ビタミンB1' in nutrition2:
Vitamin_B1 = nutrition2.split('ビタミンB1')[1].strip().replace('\n', '')
if 'ビタミンB2' in nutrition2:
Vitamin_B2 = nutrition2.split('ビタミンB2')[1].strip().replace('\n', '')
if 'ビタミンC' in nutrition2:
Vitamin_C = nutrition2.split('ビタミンC')[1].strip().replace('\n', '')
nutritions3 = await page.locator('.c-nutrition-table__cell--3').all_text_contents()
for nutrition3 in nutritions3:
if 'ビタミンB6' in nutrition3:
Vitamin_B6 = nutrition3.split('ビタミンB6')[1].strip().replace('\n', '')
if 'ビタミンB12' in nutrition3:
Vitamin_B12 = nutrition3.split('ビタミンB12')[1].strip().replace('\n', '')
if '葉酸' in nutrition3:
Folate = nutrition3.split('葉酸')[1].strip().replace('\n', '')
if 'ビタミンA' in nutrition3:
Vitamin_A = nutrition3.split('ビタミンA')[1].strip().replace('\n', '')
if 'ビタミンD' in nutrition3:
Vitamin_D = nutrition3.split('ビタミンD')[1].strip().replace('\n', '')
if 'ビタミンK' in nutrition3:
Vitamin_K = nutrition3.split('ビタミンK')[1].strip().replace('\n', '')
if 'ビタミンE' in nutrition3:
Vitamin_E = nutrition3.split('ビタミンE')[1].strip().replace('\n', '')
if '飽和脂肪酸' in nutrition3:
Saturated_fatty_acid = nutrition3.split('飽和脂肪酸')[1].strip().replace('\n', '')
if '一価不飽和脂肪酸' in nutrition3:
Monounsaturated_fatty_acid = nutrition3.split('一価不飽和脂肪酸')[1].strip().replace('\n', '')
if '多価不飽和脂肪酸' in nutrition3:
Polyunsaturated_fatty_acid = nutrition3.split('多価不飽和脂肪酸')[1].strip().replace('\n', '')
# 食料
Ingredients = await page.locator('.p-recipe-ingredient-list__item').all_text_contents()
# for Ingredient in Ingredients:
# print(Ingredient)
Ingredients_clean = [Ingredient.strip().replace('\n', '') for Ingredient in Ingredients]
# 作法
Steps = await page.locator('.p-recipe-step__item').all_text_contents()
# for Step in Steps:
# print(Step)
Steps_clean = [Step.strip().replace('\n', '') for Step in Steps]
# 定位到所有步骤的图片元素
image_elements = page.locator('.p-recipe-step__item-image')
# 获取所有图片元素的 src 属性(即图片的 URL)
image_urls = await image_elements.evaluate_all("elements => => e.getAttribute('src'))")
# 遍历图片 URL 列表,下载图片并转换为 Base64
Step_images_base64 = []
for image_url in image_urls:
# 直接使用图片的 URL 下载图片并转换为 Base64
image_base64 = await fetch_image_as_base64(page, image_url)
if image_base64:
dish_data = {
'name': dishname_clean,
'image': Dish_image_base64,
'likes': Likes_count_clean,
'tags': ", ".join(tags_clean),
'indications': ", ".join(Indications_clean),
'Calories': Calorie,
'Salt': Salt,
'Protein': Protein,
'Total_fat': Fat,
'Total_Carbohydrate': Carbohydrate,
'Total_sugar': Sugar,
'Dietary_fiber': Dietary_fiber,
'Soluble_fiber': Soluble_fiber,
'Insoluble_fiber': Insoluble_fiber,
'K': Potassium,
'Ca': Calcium,
'Mg': Magnesium,
'P': Phosphorous,
'Fe': Iron,
'Zn': Zinc,
'I': Iodine,
'Cholesterol': Cholesterol,
'Vitamin_B1': Vitamin_B1,
'Vitamin_B2': Vitamin_B2,
'Vitamin_C': Vitamin_C,
'Vitamin_B6': Vitamin_B6,
'Vitamin_B12': Vitamin_B12,
'Folate': Folate,
'Vitamin_A': Vitamin_A,
'Vitamin_D': Vitamin_D,
'Vitamin_K': Vitamin_K,
'Vitamin_E': Vitamin_E,
'Saturated_fatty_acid': Saturated_fatty_acid,
'Monounsaturated_fatty_acid': Monounsaturated_fatty_acid,
'Polyunsaturated_fatty_acid': Polyunsaturated_fatty_acid,
'Ingredients': ", ".join(Ingredients_clean),
'Steps': Steps_clean,
'Step_images_Base64': Step_images_base64
await save_to_db(dish_data)
except Exception as e: # 捕获可能发生的异常
await page.go_back() # 返回前一页
retry_count += 1 # 重试计数器加1
if retry_count >= 3:
break # 跳出循环,处理下一个链接
# 使用浏览器的后退功能返回列表页,这样不需要重新加载初始URL
await page.go_back()
await' a[rel="next"]')
await page.wait_for_load_state('networkidle')
except Error:
# 如果“下一頁”不存在,break
# ---------------------
await context.close()
await browser.close()
async def main() -> None:
async with async_playwright() as playwright:
await run(playwright)
# async def simple_test():
# print("Simple async test")